Day #381 (Wed., Jan. 19, 2011) – Katie’s Backrub Expertise
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My wife and I decided that we would eat out this evening. She got a coupon for an Indian restaurant via Groupon, so we decided to try it out. Just before we went into the restaurant a firetruck raced by with lights and siren just a going. Katie is afraid of these loud noises, but she was fascinated with all the commotion just the same.

It was a nice little place, and Katie loved all the sights and sounds. She kept pointing at the waiter and saying “ta” as he passed by. She also liked looking at the newborn baby that was sitting near us. As I was putting her back into the car to drive her home she heard a train in the distance…you know how much she likes trains…
We asked the waiter for a “milder” version of his dishes, but that didn’t translate into the actuality. Oh well, we thought the sauce shown in the photo to the left would be hot, but it was rather mild…cucumber-based I guess.
My wife wanted a backrub this evening, but I was tending to Katie, so the solution was for all three of us to get into the playyard together. Katie was fascinated with all three of us in the same place. I started the backrub, but Katie was eager to help out. She started walking all over my wife’s back and playing with her hair. My wife thinks that Katie will enjoy brushing her hair when she gets older.
1) Katie loves to give backrubs.