Day #5231 (Thu., May 2, 2024) – Last Allergy Shot
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I dropped off Bobby at Glenwood this morning. He was wearing a baseball cap and I said that they would love him in Canada. They love their baseball caps in Canada…or at least they used to. We’ll have to get Bobby a Vancouver Canucks one!
I had my last allergy shot today. I talked to the nurse about us moving to Canada in a couple of weeks and she left a note for the doctor. We’re going to see if we can get the paperwork transferred to my new allergist in Courtenay, but who knows if I will need one? I didn’t suffer from allergies at all while I was there!
My wife spent a lot of time this afternoon cleaning up Bobby’s room and getting ready for the movers (see photo to the left). The “X” on the bookcase is to tell the movers that these do not go to Courtenay!
Bobby’s bus was quite late coming to the bus stop today. His regular bus is #93, but today, everyone from that bus went onto the #131 bus. After circling all around Chapel Hill they eventually arrived at the bus stop, but over 30 minutes later than usual. Bobby told me that he made friends with two cicadas at school today. Their “swarming” is just starting.
I went to Harris Teeter this evening to get some Cheerios as we were out. I met Vivian’s mother there (Vivian was Bobby’s classmate and she takes violin lessons with him now). She mentioned that we were leaving for Courtenay soon and wished us well.