Day #384 (Sat., Jan. 22, 2011) – Katie’s New Skills
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My wife brought Katie into the bedroom this morning and we watched television for a bit. The “Dog Whisperer” was on tv, and she liked seeing the various dogs.

Katie has found a new addition to the “put the frog back” game. Now she is trying to put other things into the drawer. She hasn’t learned the concept of “too big” just yet, and seems fascinated that not everything will fit into the drawer and permit her to close the drawer.
My wife needed to size Katie’s feet for the consignment sale tomorrow, so we traced it on cardboard (see the photo to the right). Pretty little foot don’t you think?
Katie had a #2 and as a result needed to take a bath this afternoon. While in the tub she learned yet another skill. If she holds the frog just above the waterline and pushes it, a stream of water will spurt out.
My wife was telling me that when she puts Katie in the playyard she starts to crawl immediately. It used to be that she would just sit for awhile and scan the new territory.
1) Katie has learned to modify the frog game.