Day #5252 – (Thu., May 23, 2024) – Idaho –> Washington

This Air B&B we are staying in has a nice fireplace. The air is crisp outside, and rather cool, but it doesn’t feel cold. I slept in the same bed with Bobby last night. My back is sore this morning, probably because the mattress was like a marshmallow.

We hit the road and my first coffee of the day was at a service station across the street from an expensive car dealership. The lady who waited on me had no teeth! She told me that soon we will hit flat land and will not encounter more mountains until we get close to Seattle. She was right! The land opened up and was just beautiful. I was reminded of the fact that just north of us is British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley.

We hit the road and had a bathroom break in this small town. There were two restrooms outside, one for men and the other for women. One woman had to go so badly that she even took over the men’s restroom!

Next up was this antique furniture mart that sold fruit as well. They had a number of porta potties lined up outside of their store for people to use. I guess there were not enough inside the store to accommodate all the highway traffic?

Today is by far the longest day of driving, especially when you consider the traffic jam of Seattle and Tacoma that we were yet to face. As a result, we took breaks when we could, such as the photo session in the photo to the right.

The traffic situation in Seattle and Tacoma was just unreal! It took us forever to navigate this little section of land. How in the world do people live in this area? I’m not exaggerating! Every time you got in the car to go to the store down the road it would be a two hour journey just on the highway! Unreal!

We tried to eat a little bit healthier this evening so we stopped off at Dairy Queen as opposed to McDonalds. The DQ gave us a little cup of ice cream for Maple! While here we learned that Dave the gardener has finally left our property, which made us very excited.

Our Air B&B tonight is a “tiny home” (see photo to the left) in Port Angeles. There was a treed entrance leading up to it. My wife said that she preferred this little house to all the Air B&B’s that we stayed at.

While on the road today I listened to “Classic Rock” and the “Ask & It Is Given” audio book on my Galaxy Android Phone. Yesterday I listened to a bit of a “Lewis & Clark” audio book.