Day #5262 – (Sun., June 2, 2024) – MARS Animal Reserve

My wife took Katie to the local animal reserve called MARS (see photo to the right) down the road while I stayed home and tended to Bobby. While they were away I finished watching “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood” on the television in the living room. I’m also getting into the AC/DC song “Thunderstruck” and watched a tutorial on how to play that on the guitar. Bobby had a marathon Roblox & Minecraft session with Ethan and Brin, so he was in his bedroom for most of the time.

When they returned I thought that I would go to the local Walmart in downtown Courtenay to see if I could pick up the local version of Monopoly called “Comox Valley Opoly“. I tried the Canadian Tire next door first, as I wanted to give my money to a Canadian company, but when they didn’t have it, I tried the Walmart. I checked the toy & games aisle, but they only had the regular Monopoly version. I asked at the desk and they said that you could only get it online. Really? If any place should sell it you would think that the Walmart in the Comox Valley would sell it! Oh well, I will have to order it online then…

While at Walmart I picked up some groceries. A roasted chicken, some couscous salad, peanut butter, pickles, some more Vachon cakes, and Mr. Freeze pops for the kids! It was raining quite heavily as I put the groceries in the car. Welcome to Comox! As I put the groceries away I noticed Bobby’s Nerf basketball under the passenger van seat.

Maple scratched one of the bedroom doors pretty badly so my wife got some filler and sand paper from the owners of the Air B&B and has been repairing that.

My wife and I had a great meal of roasted chicken, potato salad, and couscous salad this evening. The kids were already fed when I arrived home, but they enjoyed the Mr. Freeze pops and assortment of mini “Coffee Crisp”, “Smarties”, “Aero”, and “Kit Kat” that I purchased at Walmart.

This evening and I Katie watched “Monty Python’s Quest For The Holy Grail”. We laughed and laughed. This type of humor was not to my wife’s liking. Bobby was playing Minecraft and Roblox in his bedroom till it was time for bed.