Day #5265 – (Wed., June 5, 2024) – Movers Arrive!

The movers have arrived with our stuff! We met them at the Comox airport at 9:30 am this morning to clear our stuff through customs. Figures, they put the “wrong destination” on the form, so we had to wait for a couple of hours to get this cleared up. We also learned that some of our stuff is still in driver Nick’s truck! We are going to have to get it delivered and then come back and get it cleared through customs as well. I must say that despite all the screwups on the moving end, the people at Canada customs were very nice.

2024-06-05 - Moving Van

The moving van took off and we followed it to our new home (see photo to the right). It broke some branches on the way into the driveway, but hopefully they won’t charge us for that. They said that if we scuff the paint on the van and such we have to pay for it…

I went to Subway to get sandwiches for the guys as, like the previous moving crew, they did not want pizza. I guess everyone gives them pizza! The driver made note of the “Cuban Sandwich” he got at Subway recently, so he and one of his helpers got that. A “Turkey Something” for the other helper. I also picked up Subway sandwiches for the kids, and $300 from my RBC account via debit card to tip the movers.

2024-06-05 - Contents

I went back to our Air B&B this afternoon as there was really not much that I could do till they have finished unloading everything. It was packed so neatly inside the van (see photo to the left). Low and behold they managed to break a leg off our air hockey game. So much for being “careful”. Add this to the fact that Nick didn’t check his list when he unloaded our goods, this whole moving experience has been a disaster. An expensive disaster!

Once the movers left I drove the kids and pets down to our new home. My wife and Katie went back to the Air B&B to clean it up. Unfortunately Katie overloaded the washer so water overflowed onto the floor and to the unit below… We’ll have to pay for that I’m sure…

While my wife and Katie were away Bobby and I played a game of monopoly that Maureen, the previous owner, left behind.

This evening I took Bobby to McDonalds. I tried their poutine for the first time.

Tonight is the first night spent in our new house in Courtenay!