Day #385 (Sun., Jan. 23, 2011) – The Largest Consignment Sale in the US
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8:54am and I am up. Katie and my wife are still sleeping. We’re going to go to a huge consignment sale at the Fair Grounds this morning… Two big football games on television as well, so Katie has a busy day ahead of her.

We arrived at the Fair Grounds after 10am. My wife tells me that this is the largest consignment sale in the US (and I can believe it…see the photo to the right). We parking in the parking lot, loaded Katie into one stroller and took the other stroller along for all our “goodies”. We picked up a number of items, but this was to prove to be only half of the journey. We had to go through the long checkout line. Then the line to tally up our bill. Then yet another line to pay the bill. Then back to the car and home. I’m always amazed at how much “stuff” I can load into our Camry.
We called my mother up via Skype this afternoon. She marveled at how much Katie is growing.
Two football games on television this afternoon. The Packers beat the Bears and the Steelers beat the Jets. Katie watched some of it, but she was busy playing with her toys as well…
1) Katie went to the largest consignment sale in the US today.