Day #5269 – (Sun., June 9, 2024) – Scootering!

For lunch today we had spaghetti out on the dining table on the patio. It is one of the foods other than McDonald’s cheeseburgers that Bobby loves. We got talking about the online game “Bed Wars”, and both Katie and Bobby ran off to play it once lunch was over. With a name like “Bed Wars” you know that daddy loves it… 🙂

I saw our neighbor Gail out in her yard this afternoon. I mentioned to her to tell her husband Robert that I drove across Newfoundland back in 1984. A long time ago, but perhaps some info might be useful. They are planning a trip across Newfoundland next year and belong to a couple of Facebook groups on the subject.

I need a new bath robe, so I ordered one from Amazon. Too bad we don’t have the quick Amazon delivery service like we had back in Chapel Hill. This is going to take over a week to come.

This afternoon Katie and I stopped off at Dollarama for some supplies. I picked up a collapsible bucket, which will also double as a dishpan in the “Barn Suite”. Katie wanted to pick up some seeds in the shape of a bell (see photo to the right) for the chickens to try out (NOTE: they didn’t care for it). We also bought some more Ferrero Rocher chocolates.

Next up? The “Great Canadian Superstore”. We picked up a large frozen lasagna and some “Potato & Bacon” perogies. We need to remember to bring a $1 “Loonie” for the shopping cart the next time we come. On a positive note, we remembered to bring bags for our groceries this time.

The last stop before home was McDonalds. Katie said that she didn’t want anything, but once we got home she thought that one of the Happy Meals I picked up for Bobby was for her. Bobby was rather quiet at the dining room table this evening. Perhaps it was because we gave one of his Happy Meals to Katie. Perhaps it was because he was just tired…he did a lot of scootering today (see photo to the left)! Katie as also upset today. Apparently the girls wanted to rename their group chat in honor of Katie, but Danica didn’t like the idea. Danica, another one of Katie’s friends, will be going to Massachusetts soon as per her father’s job.

Jasper, Gail’s golden retriever dog, barked at me this evening. What’s up with that?

I had to use the plunger in the sink drain this evening. The Draino that I put into it last night didn’t work.