Day #5287 – (Thu., June 27, 2024) – 1st Biden/Trump Debate!
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It’s kind of a slow day for me in Courtenay today. After having appointments on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I thought that I would just chill today. How? I went out for a cup of coffee with my Amazon Fire 10 Tablet in hand to just chill and relax!
By the way, we had two eggs this morning, one on the lower birth and one on the top birth (see photo to the left). I’m not sure what that’s all about? There are four locations for the chickens to lay eggs, so why not just make it easy on yourself and lay your egg on the one on the ground floor? Why fly up to the second level? Having said that, I have heard that chickens will lay eggs all over the place, and sometimes owners will find them by accident… Go figure what goes on in the mind of a chicken!
My wife has been having problems with the marble countertop in the kitchen. This is where her work computer is, and the marble is cold to the touch and difficult for her to work on. As a result, she cut some clear plastic as an overlay. The remaining plastic was used as a floor protector for her chair.

I’ve been looking into composting quite a bit as of late. Here’s a great video on the difference between “hot” composting and regular composting: Worlds Easiest Compost Method – How To Compost Literally Anything – Ideal For Beginners
This afternoon we saw a moving van at our neighbors house (see photo to the right). I’m told that they have some kids a bit younger than Bobby, so perhaps they were waiting for school to end before the move? At any rate, if there are going to be more kids in the neighborhood for Bobby to play with, so much the better.
This evening was the first Trump/Biden Debate. I watched it in “The Main House” with Katie and Bobby. My wife couldn’t stomach it. Bobby soon lost interest, but Katie and I watched it to the end. It was sad on so many levels, but I’ll just leave it at that. My wife made some pizza for us to enjoy, which is more than I can say for the debate.