Day #5289 – (Sat., June 29, 2024) – Ice Cream Marshmallow Candies!
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It’s overcast outside this morning, and I think it might be rainy, so I’m not sure if this will be another “inside” day, or I will venture out later… We’ll see… I’m here having a coffee now. I just had two pieces of toast and am munching on a steak… 🙂
Only one egg today (see photo to the left). It’s usually one or two. With two hens that’s pretty good…I think…
My wife and Katie went shopping this afternoon. Bobby stayed home to play online.
I did a lot of investigation today on “Automatic Gate Openers”. I was thinking that I could “rig” something off the currently working gate with some PVC, and it would probably work, but it would not really look nice on such an expensive house. So, it looks like we are in the market for another “Automatic Gate Opener”. Maureen bought the “Mighty Mule” one we currently have at Home Depot in the US. There are ones made in Canada and sold via Amazon. My wife said she might want a new gate as well, so the investigation continues…
As mentioned earlier, it rained most of the day, so I stayed around the house and organized it a bit, and cleaned it up as well. Late this afternoon I ventured out. Here was the itinerary:
- First, to Cascadia Liquors to pick up some Alexander Keith’s India Pale Ale.
- At Dollarama I picked up a little shower caddy to store my soap and shampoo.
- Next to Tim Horton’s for a “Double Double” and apple fritter.
- Home Depot was next on the list. I wanted to check out the PVC to see if I could “rig” an automatic gate opener off the currently working one… NOPE… I also looked for a tiny Robertson screwdriver for my wife’s curtain rod.
- Last on the list was Thrifty Foods where I picked up some supplies for the “Barn Suite” as well as some “Ice Cream Marshmallow Candies” for the kids! (see photo to the right)
I see that there is a company down the road called “Innova Doors” that sells “Automatic Gate Openers”… I wonder if they sell gates as well? And install them too?
There is some life over at “Gray Gables”… Are our neighbors finally moving in?