Day #5298 – (Mon., July 8, 2024) – Fixing Bikes!
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I called up Island Honda this afternoon and they ordered a license plate holder for the front of our Honda Odyssey. They ordered it and it should be in tomorrow morning. There are appointments for later on in the week for them to install it once it arrives. Should cost about $75 for parts and labor.
Is it ever hot outside! I don’t remember the heat being like this in Nova Scotia when I was growing up. It’s more like the sun in Australia, or at least it feels like that. As I was working in the garage this afternoon beads of sweat fell down my face. My shirt was drenched in sweat by the time I was done.

I did a lot of bike repairing this afternoon. I basically used the supplies I got yesterday to assemble the bike supplies I bought two days ago… First up, attaching the cooler to the back of Katie’s bike with the Huskey straps I bought at Home Depot yesterday (see photo to the right). It looked good, and Katie even drove around the driveway to test it out, but it didn’t really survive the “road test”. As she was out for a ride later today it kept falling off. Clearly we need a new solution. “Bunjee Cables” is the next obvious solution… Let’s see if that works!

Next up was attaching the water bottles to my wife and Katie’s bikes with the zip ties I bought yesterday (see photo to the left). This solution worked out great, at least no complaints came back from the bike ride later today.

The final item on the agenda today was to secure the bell to Bobby’s handlebars. The best solution would be to use some wire, but first up I needed to drill a hole in the top section of the bell assembly. To do that, I needed a drill. Well, that was easier said than done. Maureen left a heavy duty drill, but it was too huge for such a delicate operation. I tried to charge the batteries on my portable drill, but they didn’t charge and I think they might be past their usefulness. My wife had a tiny little drill that she has been using, and that worked great once I was able to locate a tiny drill bit. With the hole drilled I just needed to thread a wire through both ends and attach them to the bike handlebars. Voila! Problem solved (see photo to the right).
My wife met the new owners of “Grey Gables” today. Her name is Deena and she met our kids yesterday and could not stop raving about them. Their daughter Bowen is almost 11, and is going away with her father for a few days, but she wants to get together for a bike ride once they get back.