Day #389 (Thu., Jan. 27, 2011) – Cover Your Eyes
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My wife showed me a new trick that she taught Katie. She could ask her in Lithuanian to cover her eyes and she would do it.

I set up my ETrade Account to automatically extract money every week from my checking account and put it into Katie’s College Fund. Now that this is automatic it will take away my need to remember it…
My wife took Katie to the pool area this afternoon. They are developing the playground section, and have introduced a blue turtle (as you can see in the photo to the left). In actuality it was our old green turtle…they just repainted it. Katie will really enjoy crawling all over it when she gets a bit older. She really doesn’t like straddling rocking horses or pedal cars or “whatever” these days.
As my wife was taking Katie out of the playyard she held her by the hands and she walked. Before tonight you had to hold her by the armpits.
I cleaned up the playyard this evening. When it is clean Katie will play in it for hours, going from one toy to the other.
1) Katie showed me that she knows how to cover her eyes.