Day #5316 – (Fri., July 26, 2024) – Cat Grass!

I had to run a number of errands around Courtenay today. I spent quite a bit of time trying to secure bids and suggestions for automating our gate, or insulating our garage, bit it seems like the contractors here, as they were in Chapel Hill, are in high demand and have more work than they can handle.

Before I left for my errands I did a little experiment with the chickens. What would they prefer? Fresh cut grass courtesy of the weed wacker, or tortilla chips? The winner is? Tortilla chips by a landslide (see photo to the right).

So, first up was a trip to Home Depot. I was hoping to talk to Roger and get his advice. He’s the guy who works in the tool department and has been very helpful with my questions and requests in the past. Alas, he was on his break when I showed up the first time, and out for dinner the second time. He doesn’t work the weekends so I will try to catch him next week.

In terms of errands, first up was some “cat grass” at Bosley’s, which is directly across from the Bulk Barn (see photo to the left). It’s actually in high demand and the owner put some aside for my wife the last time they were in. I picked it up today. Apparently Batman loves the stuff.

I also picked up some vegetable oil at Walmart. I was looking for some “septic safe” toilet bowl cleaners, but either they didn’t say it directly or the writing was so small that I didn’t see it.

My wife put up the big picture of Katie and Bobby over the bed in the “Barn Suite” this afternoon. She also put my portable desk in front of the big window overlooking the property, but I like it better on the side so that more light will stream in from the window.