Day #5324 – (Sat., Aug. 3, 2024) – Comox Nautical Days!

Matt the Handyman stopped by this morning to look at automating our gate. He came so highly recommended by Amanda that we are willing to wait for him till the end of September. He reminds me of Michael Phelps… 🙂 He’s going to look into parts and such and give us a more accurate quote.

I dropped my wife and Katie off at the Comox Nautical Days Festival in downtown Comox today. Bobby stayed home. There were lots of arts and crafts there (see photo to the right).

After dropping them off I then swung around to Home Depot where I picked up a sheet of metal for the Roblox magnetic board I’m creating for Bobby. When they were done I drove back and picked them up. The Festival is for a number of days, and on Monday I’m going to drop them off again, this time with Bobby so that they can see a special event, where people build boats and then try to sail them. If only I had my legs back…that’s something that I might be interested in attending.

It’s kind of good that I’m not too eager to attend these events. I’ve travelled so much and seen so much, and with my legs, comfort is important these days. If I did attend with them there would be that ever present nightmare of finding parking spots. There is NOWHERE in downtown Comox to park, and the traffic is very heavy. It’s good I can provide this service of drop off and pick up.

Where does time go, even when you are retired! I didn’t get time today to submit my Roblox image to Staples (so that they can print it), and I can then attach it to the metal sheet that I picked up earlier today. Tomorrow… You can see the image I’m going to submit in the photo to the left.

My wife has been trying to get accepted to a Facebook Group for the Huband School area with no success. This evening I thought that I would create a Facebook Account and try my luck… Fingers crossed! May the “Law of Attraction” be with you…