Day #5331 – (Sat., Aug. 10, 2024) – Mayfair Sunset

I spent quite a bit of time today creating two Roblox characters out of clay for the Roblox “metal” background that I made the other day. You can see them in the photo to the right. I now need to let them dry. The idea is that I will glue a tiny magnet on the back of them, and they will hopefully stick to the metal sheet. The issue I’m having now is that they are pretty fragile. I put them out on the patio so that the hot Courtenay sun will dry them out. They should be fine tomorrow evening… Hopefully.

This evening my wife and I packed a picnic lunch and took the kids to Mayfair to see the sun set. Remember Mayfair? That was the “highly overpriced” house that we looked at during out Courtenay trip in April. It looks lived in now, so we suspect that the owners took it off the market. We can’t imagine anyone buying that house when it was close to $1,000,000!

The sunset was beautiful (see photo to the left). My wife packed a foldable chair for me to sit in. I brought some rice cakes and PB2 spread to munch on with a mango sparkling water. Katie was cold so we didn’t stay long. On the way home she was saying how she wanted to start up family board game night.

I managed to sign up for Telus Health this evening. There was some issue with the region on my iPhone and installing the app, but we got it figured out. I tried to book an appointment but there were so many questions that my wife and I decided to do it tomorrow.