Day #395 (Wed., Feb. 2, 2011) – New Patio Area?
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Around 4am this morning the whole family was up. Katie heard me up and refused to go to sleep until she saw what daddy was doing. In the end, all three of us were in the bedroom playing and Katie showed no signs of being tired…

Today is Groundhog Day, and the Groundhog didn’t see it’s shadow, so we are supposedly in for an early spring.
We’re thinking of getting the patio area covered over with mesh to keep the bugs out. I emailed the HOA and they said to get the plans and estimate. Wonder how much something like this would cost? Katie would love to play with a sandbox and pool out on the new patio area.
I’ve been amazed at what great eyes and ears Katie has. She can hear a train or a plane way before we do. In regards to her eyes, take a look at the photo to the right. It shows one of Katie’s favorite books. There are lots of big pictures to focus on, but do you want to know what she will consistently point out? Follow the red arrow to see a picture of the tiny little doggie. Good eyes, don’t you think?
I was feeding Katie some “prunes and oatmeal” mush this evening when my wife brought me some “bananas and strawberries” mush. Apparently the first mush is good to loosen the stools and the second mush is good to tighten them up. So I guess if you give 1/2 of the first mush and 1/2 of the second mush you will be regular?
I was giving Katie a bath this evening when I let water drain from a cup that had a hole in it. It produced a little stream of water and Katie was fascinated with it. She tried to grab it to no avail.
1) Katie had her second Groundhog Day today.