Day #5356 – (Wed., Sept. 4, 2024) – First Day Of School!
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Today is the first day of school for the kids, in fact the first day ever for them in the Canadian school system. Katie is entering 9th grade and Bobby 4th (see photo to the right).
My wife drove each of them to school in the van this morning. Bobby initially wanted to walk from the van to the school by himself, but opted to go with mom once the time came. They found his teacher, but when my wife asked Bobby to introduce himself he said “Do I have to?”… The teacher said yes as he is in her class… He told me later in the day that a boy named Kyle asked if he wanted to sit with him, so they sat next to each other near the front of the class. Broyston, our neighbor who is also in Bobby’s class, sits in the back of the class.
My wife then dropped Katie off at school. Apparently they met in the gym to hear instructions about how the school operates. Katie met a Spanish girl, Carmen, who is here without her family. Katie likes her and hopes that they will become good friends. They have two classes together. Katie also met a Japanese girl today, but since they don’t have any classes together it might be harder for them to become friends. Katie learned that Vanier has an art club after school so she is very excited about that!