Day #5358 – (Fri., Sept. 6, 2024) – Lunch With Finley

We finally started priming the garage today. After getting up and down on the ladder I finally admitted that I am going to need some help… With two knee replacements getting up and down a ladder quite a bit is not going to cut it. My wife chipped in and did a lot of the ladder work while I primed the walls with a roller from the floor. When Katie got home from school she helped prime one of the walls as well.

The roller that I had was starting to give off lint, so I went to Home Depot this morning to pick up a “lintless” one. While there, there was this classic automobile in the parking lot (see photo to the left). There sure are a lot of classic autos around the Comox Valley!

Finley, the girl who was at orchestra camp with Katie, asked her if she wanted to eat lunch with her and her friends today and Katie was over the moon. I asked her later this evening how it went and she said great! Finley’s friends are in the school band, so they have music in common. As I’ve mentioned to her many times before, I wished I had befriended those in the music clubs when I was growing up.

After much debate, I decided that we should buy a paint sprayer. They had one at Home Depot for $349 (see photo to the right). The extension wand for it was $80 more. It is SOOO difficult to prime a ceiling with a roller, and hopefully this little device will make it a breeze. I spent the evening watching YouTube videos and testing it out. Hopefully we will be ready to “Rock & Roll” tomorrow!

I talked to Bobby this evening about his school day and things are looking up. There are about 31 kids in his class, and most of them are boys. My wife talked to his teacher today and she said that Bobby is fitting in very well. He has about six good friends in school and around the neighborhood now. When he was in Chapel Hill he pretty well had only Ethan and Lucia. In many ways Bobby is living the kind of elementary school life that I had when I was growing up.