Day #5362 – (Tue., Sept. 10, 2024) – Trump Harris Debate!
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Bobby went to school today, which was good, but Katie is home sick. She appears to be getting worse. As has been the case for a while now, Bobby brings something home from school, gives it to us, he’s up before you know it, and it takes a long time for us to recover. Fortunately my wife and I have been able to fight it off…so far!

To reward Bobby for being such a trooper and going to school today, my wife wanted to set up the laptop for him so that he could play on it after school. As a result, I drove out to Best Buy to pick up a keyboard. Mission accomplished! I was also asked to pick up a power adapter for the LG monitor, but they didn’t seem to know if what they had would work. After they told me that if they get the wattage wrong the display will blow up, I told my wife that she should order the correct one from Amazon.
I baked the little clay Roblox figure that Bobby and I worked on a week or so ago (see photo to the right). Baking certain types of clays in the oven will help it dry better.
We finished the second round of primer on the garage today! We still need to touch up some areas, but it’s nice to get most of the garage primed.
I set up an appointment with Tony Thinker, a CPA in Victoria who does both US and Canadian taxes. We will be talking to him at 11 am tomorrow. I’m sure he’s not cheap, but our tax situation is too complicated now for us to do it by outselves.
The Harris Trump Debate was on television this evening and Katie and I watched it on the television in the family room of the main house. My wife could only take so much, so she would come and go. Trump mentioned that illegals were coming into the country and eating pets, which was news to me! Analysts after the debate believe that Harris won!