Day #5368 – (Mon., Sept. 16, 2024) – Ethan Has COVID!
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Both Katie and Bobby are home from school today. Katie’s art is really coming along (see photo to the left).
We usually try to keep Bobby off the computer when he is sick at home, but Ethan in Chapel Hill has COVID so my wife let Bobby play online with him to cheer him up. It’s funny, they were always so careful, having lunch at school in a secluded area, and yet they too have succumbed COVID. Given enough time…

I’m pretty “down in the dumps” today, but I didn’t test positive for COVID… Having said that, a few years ago when the whole family tested positive for COVID I did not, but how could I have escaped getting it?
Last night I texted Anthony, the guy who is insulating and drywalling our garage, telling him that we are fighting COVID. He sent a nice text this morning and said he would contact us later in the week to see how he’s doing. He doesn’t seem too anxious about getting the remaining money we owe him for the garage.
This evening I had some tomatoes that my wife picked from our garden. Funny looking thing, but tasty (see photo to the right).