Day #5369 – (Tue., Sept. 17, 2024) – Daddy Has COVID!
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Well, I tested positive for COVID today (see photo to the right). We suspected that I have had it for a day or so now, but today’s test confirmed it!
Bobby went to school today but Katie is at home. His classmate Brodie, who lives across the street, wanted to come over to play later today, but my wife thought it only proper that we tell them that we have COVID. Apparently the boys tested for COVID just before their Disney cruise in August.
My wife set up a phone appointment with a nurse at Urgent Care for 6 pm this evening. After considering my case, they agreed to approve Paxlovid for me. My wife and I had to drive out to their office before closing time at 9 pm to pick it up. Now the fun part begins, finding a pharmacy that stocks it… They are all closed now, so we’ll have to try again tomorrow.