Day #397 (Fri., Feb. 4, 2011) – Patio Quotes
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I decided to put a request for patio quotes on CraigsList last night, and boy oh boy did people respond. When I woke up this morning there were about 20 various quotes…and they have been coming in all day long. Now the challenge will be to go through them and determine who is going to be right for the project.

The photo to the left shows our current patio area. It will be nice to have it screened in as the mosquitoes, bugs, and something they call “no seeums” can eat you alive in the summer.
Katie has been real fussy all evening. Nothing seems to be calming her down. I played with her in the playyard. I let her out to play her piano. I let her roam the hallway. My wife and I both took our turns trying to feed her. We decided that we would move the activity station (with the piano that she loves so much) into her playyard…let’s see if that does the trick.
9:08pm`- Still fussy. Time to tire our little chipmunk out. When she tries to crawl I sometimes hold her kneecaps so that she can’t get away. She will balance her body weight on her hands and try to squirm away, but to no avail. This will tire her out and make putting her to bed so much easier. Let’s hope that it works this evening…
1) Katie might have a screened in porch area to play in soon.