Day #5380 – (Sat., Sept. 28, 2024) – Puppy Sitting!
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Our neighbors at the former “Grey Gables” have gone away for the weekend so we are “Puppy Sitting” their very energetic and affectionate puppy! You can see it putting a lovin’ on Bobby in the photo to the left.
It’s been raining the past few days so we haven’t been letting the chickens out for a run. Today I let them out and when I turned around they were gone. I’m not sure where they go, but they seem to have a lot of fun! They were back before the sun went down this evening so I locked them back inside. Pleasant dreams chickens…thinking of tomorrow’s adventures!
We learned that Katie’s friend Gavin comes from a Jehovah’s Witness family. He’s not too pleased about this. They don’t seem to prosletize like they used to when I was growing up. I remember them always coming to our door and asking to speak with us. I think in Chapel Hill the various neighborhoods had “No Soliciting” signs, which prevented this. Maybe it’s the same in Courtenay?
My wife and spent a lot of time in the garage today, and I’m happy to say that we have managed to finish putting the first coat of paint on the ceiling and walls. We thought that the paint sprayer conked out on us, but after switching from clean to spray mode it came back to life… I had to use my rechargeable drill and the little paint stirrer I picked up at Home Depot yesterday to make sure the paint was fully stirred as it’s been just lying around for the past two weeks. It’s great to have COVID behind us and have enough energy to do this today!