Day #399 (Sun., Feb. 6, 2011) – Katie’s Second SuperBowl
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I drove to Trader Joe’s this morning to get Katie some Whole Goat’s Milk (not low-fat) and some organic bananas. That’s one of the risks you take with going to Trader Joe’s at night…they might be out of various items.

Remember me mentioning the toy with the orange and yellow “birds” that pop up and down (see photo to the left)? Well Katie has figured out how to operate both of them. You have to push one down, and in order to get it to pop up again you have to put the other one down. Katie had a hard time figuring it out…now she has.
If you will recall the popup game that I mentioned a while back, well Katie has learned to get the orange popup to work. You have to push the little toggle to the side, rather than right down. This proved to be hard for her…but today she actually got it to work.
Katie was not too into the Superbowl this evening. She was more interested in getting ahold of the chicken wings that my wife and I bought from Dominos Pizza. She didn’t get any wings…but she did manage to get to the box and throw them onto the ground afterwards.
1) Katie experienced her second SuperBowl this evening.