Day #401 (Tue., Feb. 8, 2011) – A BabySitter For Katie
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I sent a photo of our patio and roof to the contractors who responded to our CraigsList Ad. The responses and updated bids are starting to roll in…

I don’t think I’ve ever posted a picture of shorts, so this post will rectify the situation. The photo to the left shows some of the shorts that my wife picked up for Katie at the consignment sale on Saturday. Summer will soon be here…
My wife and I have been talking about getting a babysitter for quite a while now. She is swamped with work, PhD stuff, and of course, our little chipmunk. I can help out when I am home, but we really need someone to help out during the day, at least til she finishes her PhD. A friend at work told me about, a national babysitting service. My wife browsed it and is quite exciting about some of the profiles she saw. She joined this evening…now to find and choose someone…
I was making dinner this evening and chopped up an avocado for the salad. We gave some of it to Katie…she really liked it. If you cut it into small pieces and put it on the tray in her high chair she will feed herself. This will entertain her for quite a while…and free up our time as a result.
1) Katie might have a babysitter soon.