Day #404 (Fri., Feb. 11, 2011) – Katie Has A BabySitter
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My wife could get nothing done on her PhD today…Katie had other plans. Katie proved to be more than a handful all day today. We are so excited about the fact we will be getting a babysitter soon. There is no way my wife will be able to finish her PhD if she has to spend her entire day taking care of Katie.

Remember me mentioning that Katie likes to feed herself now? Well, this is not always without it’s mishaps. Sometimes the food doesn’t make it to the mouth (see photo to the right). I wonder if “banana-mush” is good for the skin?
We are interviewing a potential babysitter this evening. My wife found her on and she has a lifeguard certification (although I doubt Katie will be doing the backstroke anytime soon). I was rushing home this evening so that I would meet her before she left (she had another appointment after she left us). I got caught in traffic, but we did get a chance to talk for about five minutes…
She is a very nice girl and Katie took to her really well. My wife told me that she stared at her at first (which is her norm), but soon went up to her to show her where her mouth and nose were (we’ll all be glad when she learns to shake hands). I told her that one of the joys of the job will probably be Katie as she is a good child. Katie has started to scream and talk loudly as of late, so maybe she will be able to use some of her training (she is a psychology graduate) to quiet her down. She said that she is probably fascinated with the fact that she can do it. Hopefully she will quiet down a bit with time.
All in all, we are very excited to be able to have her take care of Katie for us for a few hours each day. This means that my wife will be able to study on her PhD during the day. Of course daddy will still have the evening duty…
1) Katie has a babysitter.