Day #405 (Sat., Feb. 12, 2011) – Katie Wants A Banana
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Katie and I have a new game. I will sit on the LazyBoy, and with her in her high chair, I will rock my head back and forth (and Katie will mimic it). She got a great kick out of this new game and was laughing up a storm.
I had to go to Trader Joe’s this afternoon to get some Whole (not low-fat) Goat’s Milk for Katie. They didn’t have it so I ended up at WholeFoods. They had it. I also got an extra Yo-Baby Vanilla Yogurt for Katie…you sure have to be careful with this item as the labeling for the various flavors look almost alike.

I was playing with Katie in the playyard this evening. The Little People House (see photo to the left) has a baby crib that when you push will say “Baby”, and when you push it again it will play the Brahms lullaby (i.e.: “Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep“). I started to sing along with it and when Katie realized what was going on, she started to push the button again and again so I would sing it…again and again.
7:36pm and Katie is at the windows. She wants the blinds opened. My wife tells me that after she opens one set of blinds Katie is not satisfied. She tells her that the view from the adjoining window will be exactly the same, but Katie won’t believe her. Open go the adjoining set of blinds to satisfy the curiosity of our little chipmunk.
Katie was eating in her high chair this evening and my wife said “do you want a banana”? Katie immediately pointed to the bunch of bananas that we have sitting on the counter. It is constantly amazing us at how much she knows and how grown up she is.
1) Katie pointed to the banana she wanted this evening.