Day #5437 – (Sun., Nov. 24, 2024) – Wild Robot Movie
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It’s another rainy day in the Comox Valley. They weren’t kidding when they said it rained a lot in November!
I took Bobby to see the movie “Wild Robot” at Landmark Cinemas this afternoon (see photo to the right). We each got a combo meal. I had him pick out the type of candy for me.
I asked the lady who served us the combo meal if she got to watch movies for free and she said yet. Bobby then promptly said that he wanted to work here… She said that you only needed to be 14 years old, so only a few years away…
I learned that Landmark has Christmas gift cards. For each $30 gift card you get a free movie ticket, so perhaps this is something we can put in the kid’s Advent Calendars.

The show was at 3:10 pm, and I took a chance yesterday when I ordered the tickets and “straddled” the seats, with our two picks which you can see up front in the photo to the left. It worked out well, as nobody was sitting next to Bobby and I, so we got a bit more room to stretch out. I wouldn’t want to do this for a show that just came out though…
The movie was about a robot that lands on a planet and takes care of a little chick from hatchling to adulthood, and all the antics that happen in between. Bobby said that they read it last year in class at Glenwood.
On the way home we stopped off at McDonalds for their “2 Cheeseburger EVM”, which stands for “Extra Value Meal”. They don’t seem to understand “2 Cheeseburger Combo”, so perhaps if we order this from now on they will know what we are talking about. This was Bobby’s favorite McDonalds meal in Chapel Hill, so it’s good to be able to get it here in the Comox Valley. I also picked up one for Katie as well.
Bobby was fine today, but started to complain of headaches and asked when we were going to get home after leaving McDonalds. His nose was running like crazy this evening.
Katie dropped another video on her “Starving Artist” YouTube channel entitled “making a medieval X futuristic oc.. again!”. She has 64 subscribers now!