Day #5438 – (Mon., Nov. 25, 2024) – Team Sports
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Katie went to school today but Bobby is home. His throat is better this morning, but his nose is still running.
The photo to the right shows the Christmas lights on our fenced off pastures. They came with the property and we only needed to turn them on.
I picked up Katie at Vanier this afternoon. Her mother drove her to orchestra class this evening, and I picked her up afterward. We went to Starbucks, and drove around, effectively making this Daddy/Daughter Chat Day #20!
Katie told me that she is interested in getting involved with a group sport. Which sport she is not sure of, but perhaps volleyball. I told her that participating in group sports is great on so many levels. Not only will you develop a lot of friends when you are on a team, but you learn to work with others, which is very beneficial when you get older and have to deal with all types of people when you get a job.
A neighbor has a snow plow service and we are wondering if we should join it or not. I think we should wait to see just how much snow we will be getting this year. We are getting “All Weather” tires on both of our vehicles, so that will help us with all but the most severe snowstorms. In addition, my wife works from home and I’m retired so we really don’t need to get out each and every day. I’m sure that the kids would love to have yet another reason to not go to school.