Day #5443 – (Sat., Nov. 30, 2024) – Christmas Cookies!
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My wife and Katie went “thrifting” today. They texted me and asked me if I wanted the book “Julie & Julia”, which this blog is based on, but I declined. I’m busy enough as it is…I would never have time to read it.
I spent quite a bit of the day organizing the various gifts in the Advent Calendar that we will be giving the kids this year (see photo to the right). I think I overbought, but the kids will enjoy it. It’s good to make their first Christmas in Courtenay extra special! My wife also ordered some perfume samples to put into Katie’s calendar when they arrive. We’ll still need to get something for Bobby’s calendar on these days…

My wife and the kids made Christmas cookies today for Amanda’s Christmas cookie exchange while I was organizing gifts for the Advent Calendar (see photo to the left). This took hours as well! You can see the “Blue Mint Candies” that I picked up at the Bulk Barn the other day.
My wife ordered a VR headset for Bobby for Christmas this evening. He will be getting the same one that Ethan has, so that one cannot say that their set is better than the other persons. I would much rather that they go outside and play, but it is what it is. I guess “Gorilla Tag”, which is the game that Ethan wants to play the most, does involve hand and arm movements, so I guess they will be getting some exercise… 🙂