Day #5448 – (Thu., Dec. 5, 2024) – Best Friend Halea
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Time sure flies… Three weeks ago today I was in Mexico City getting ready for the Sir Paul McCartney concert this evening!
I picked up Bobby from school today, then Katie after that. Bobby and I talked about how great it is to have standard school supplies… You just pay a fee and the teacher gets the same for each student. I then picked up Katie at Vanier. Her water bottle leaked (see photo to the right), so I brought a towel with me…
Katie’s new “Best Friend” is “Hallea” (sp?). She lives on a working farm somewhere in the Courtenay area. It’s kind of funny thinking that Katie’s best friend actually kills animals like chickens and pigs… 🙂

Today is Day #5 of the Advent Calendar. I gave some chocolate and my wife added a “Squishy Ball” for Bobby and some creams for Katie.
This afternoon I went to get a prescription for amoxicillin from our dentist, and take it to Courtenay Pharmacy to get it filled. I then stopped off at Island Tides Veterinary Hospital to get some special food for Batman (see photo to the left).
On the way home I stopped off to get two gallons of milk at Thrifty Foods. I think the reason I like Thrifty Foods more than the other grocery stores in the area is that it reminds me of Sobeys. In fact, they are owned by Sobeys!
I see that you can book Sir Paul McCartney for private events for $1,000,000+. Certainly not now, but if NVDA stock keeps going up, who knows!