Day #406 (Sun., Feb. 13, 2011) – The Grownup Bathtub
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3:30am and Katie will not sleep. My wife brought her in to see me, but that didn’t calm her down. We tried yogurt to no avail. I suggested that my wife put her in the high chair and give her some avocado pieces to munch on. That did it. It appears that Katie no longer wants to be fed…she’s a “bid durl” now and wants to feed herself. Perhaps we will need to get more foods like melons and such that we can cut up so she can feed herself.

My wife and I went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant in downtown Cary this afternoon. Katie had a huge #2 while we were there, and was in a great mood for the rest of the day. Perhaps this is what has been causing her to be so fussy.
We took Katie to the Dollar Store this afternoon (see photo to the left). A lot of people were there getting balloons for Valentine’s Day. Katie was fascinated with the balloons.
This evening Katie had her first bath in the “grownup bathtub”. It was hard to keep her from trying to stand up.
I was playing with Katie in the playyard (the old throw the towel over the baby’s head game) when Katie started to take her first steps towards me. It would have been much more successful but she couldn’t see with the towel over her head…
1) Katie had a bath in the grownup tub this evening.