Day #407 (Mon., Feb. 14, 2011) – The Babysitter’s First Day
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Today is Katie’s second Valentine’s Day. It’s amazing to see how much she has grown in one short year.
This morning Katie fed herself ground meat and sweet potatoes. My wife tried to feed her but Katie was having nothing to do with it.

Our new babysitter started work today. She arrived at 2pm and will be taking care of Katie roughly from 2pm – 5pm during the week. Daddy is the weekend babysitter.
Katie really likes her new babysitter. My wife wanted to show the babysitter the neighborhood as she will probably be taking Katie on walks to the lake and playground and back. Just before they left, the babysitter took Katie outside to wait while my wife got ready. Katie doesn’t even mind to stay alone with her.
When they came back from the walk my wife started to change Katie when Katie heard the babysitter on the phone. Katie started to cry as she wanted to go to her. It looks like things are going to work out nicely.
Remember the shopping cart that Katie used to lean on to (see photo to the left)? Well, I put that same kart in the hallway today and showed Katie how to push it up and down the hall. Wanting to mimic daddy, she took to it like a duck to water. She was pushing the cart up and down the hallway like a pro.
1) Today was Katie’s first day with the babysitter.