Day #5463 – (Fri., Dec. 20, 2024) – Last Day Of School!
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I picked up Bobby from school today, then Katie. Both kids are excited that this is the last day of school for a couple of weeks. Christmas/New Year break time!

Bobby drew a picture of a chicken at school and my wife paid to have it made into some greeting cards (see photo to the right).
On the way back from school Bobby expressed an interest in having Dominique and Brodie, two neighborhood boys, over for a movie with our new projector in the garage. We will probably have a ping pong table and billiard table for them to play with as well at that point.
The kids got two little plastic “trash cans” full of sour candies in their Advent Calendars this afternoon.

I added something extra to the Advent Calendars for the kids tomorrow. Two gift cards to Landmark Theater. I packaged them up differently this time (see photo to the left). The kids have been noticing that their packages on the same day are wrapped the same, but not tomorrow! I put Bobby’s inside a box, inside some wrapping, bound with duct tape, etc. etc. I’m going to make him work for it this time, while Katie has to just open up the envelope… 🙂 I thought this would be a little “something extra” for them to remember… 🙂
I went to Walmart for groceries this evening. We’ve started to buy the kids 2% milk now, rather than the regular 3% we have been getting up to this point. For some reason they don’t sell 4% milk like they do in the US, which is probably good if you don’t want the extra calories.
While at Walmart I picked up some seaweed and chicken noodle soup. Not on the list, but I thought the kids would like it. Spaghetti was on the list though. I heard Bobby complain a bit earlier today about the “irregular” shaped noodles that weren’t spaghetti.
This evening I emailed Mr. Weiss, who will be Katie’s guitar teacher starting at the end of January. I wanted to find out what guitar he thinks would be best for the class, whether classical, acoustic, or electric.