Day #5471 – (Sat., Dec. 28, 2024) – Yeti Mic!
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Katie ordered a new microphone from Amazon for the videos she is creating, but it won’t be here for a few days. I suggested we go out to Best Buy, see if they had a suitable mic, and if we like it, cancel the Amazon order. So, off we went for Daddy/Daughter Day #151!

But first up, we checked out the board game store near Thrifty’s on Ryan Road to check out the chess sets. It’s called “Your Move Games & Puzzles”, and this is the first time I’ve ever been in there. They we almost out of chess sets due to people buying them at Christmas, but there was a nice couple of glass ones. This brought up another issue, the fact that all the good chess games could be gone because people snatched them up for Christmas. The only ones left were the ones that people didn’t prefer one way or another. So, we decided to wait.
Next up was Best Buy where we did find a good microphone, a Yeti microphone (see photo to the left), and it was on sale as well! We can either cancel the order via Amazon, or try both of them out and return the one we like the least. Best Buy has a 30-day return policy and Amazon’s is even more generous than that.
Stapes was next on our “ToDo” list. Katie found a 2025 journal that she liked. Like “Your Move”, their chess sets were limited. I did pick up a package of printer paper for my wife. Just for fun we walked over to the nearby Walmart, but their selection of chess sets was limited as well. We decided to either wait for the new supply to come in, or order one via Amazon.
There is a new Boba Tea shop near Wendy’s so Katie and I went there next. We then decided to drive around a bit where Katie filled me in on her vision of the future, and then home.
Bobby? Well he’s been either playing with the “VR Headset” that he got for Christmas, or relaxing in the tub. That boy sure loves his tub! Why not, he has his toys and his iPad and it’s his little “retreat” in the house!