Day #5483 – (Thu., Jan. 9, 2025) – Neighbor’s New Roof

Bobby went to school today but Katie is home sick. She is still suffering from the ortho appointment yesterday.

Our neighbor is getting a new roof (see photo to the right).

I picked up Bobby from school today. He told me that he gave Dominik his mother’s business card so that his mother will be able to get in touch with us for playdates and such.

My wife installed chains on the van this afternoon. We might need them when we take the kids up Mount Washington for ski lessons.

I stopped off at Costco to get some supplies for the family. As usual, two gallons of milk, but also:

  • AA batteries
  • AAA batteries
  • Dried mangoes
  • Chocolate covered berries
  • Seaweed

Bobby had a violin lesson tonight. Katie is sick so no lesson for her.