Day #5490 – (Thu., Jan. 16, 2025) – Viola Passions

Katie went to school today but Bobby is home sick.

I had a dentist appointment this morning and they put that “hockey puck” suction thing into my mouth. If that was not bad enough, they had to stretch my cheek to get to the cavity at the back of my mouth. My jaw was so sort that I went to bed when I got home.

I awoke just in time to see the messages from my wife. She had to go to Urgent Care to discuss her blood work and knee problems and needed me to take Katie to Daisy’s for viola practice. On the way there she texted that her appointment just finished and that she would take Katie so we met up at the Urgent Care parking lot.

Katie told me that one of the girls she plays chess with in “Board Game” class has been calling her “stupid”. I told Katie that this sounds like the way that 8th grade boys treated people back when I was growing up. I guess some things never change. At any rate, this is the same girl that kills chickens on her family farm? Well today Katie beat her at chess so she was a bit upset and didn’t want to play again. I guess Katie took her queen twice during the game.

The photo to the right shows a nice shot of the sun going down over our property.

When the wind picks up the gates blow shut now that the automatic gate opener has been disconnected. I need to get some rope and fix them in place to make sure that they stay open… It’s quite a hassle to get out of the car and keep putting them back into place.

Katie has a newfound desire to really work on her viola skills. She wants to get into the professional orchestra so that it will “skyrocket” her resume. Her viola teacher, Daisy, let her play a harder song this evening. This could have added rocket fuel to this desire.