Day #5520 – (Sat., Feb. 15, 2025) – Prescribing Pharmacists

No skiing lessons today. Everyone in our house is sick! One good thing though, it’s raining, and this is melting the ice (see photo to the left).

I’m not getting any better, and in fact, possibly worse. It looks like whatever I have has gone into my lungs. My wife tried to get me an appointment at Urgent Care, but you need to have an appointment as soon as the office opens. While she was talking to the receptionist, the receptionist mentioned that pharmacists can prescribe drugs so I could go see a pharmacist…

Well, I ended up at Courtenay Pharmacy this afternoon and talked to the pharmacist. Apparently they can prescribe things like inhalers and such, but nothing like antibiotics, so I went away empty handed…

Katie is continuing with her art, even though she has withdrawn from the Emily Carr University “Spring Classes”.

I talked to Bobby via Alexa this afternoon. He told me a bit about going over to Dominic and Connor’s house the other day. He also mentioned that Ethan doesn’t play the “Surgical Game” on the VR Headset with him, but mostly “Gorilla Tag”.

It’s February 15th and I’m reminded of the boy up the road from me Dwane Johnson, was born on this day, one day before me. So, he’s effectively turned 65 today, and ready to retire. He owns a service station, much like his father did before him.