Day #5526 – (Fri., Feb. 21, 2025) – 5.4 Magnitude Earthquake

Both kids went to school today.

Kristina and her friend Rich from Victoria came to stay with us tonight. They went to Mount Washington skiing today and it was quite miserable weather. The snow was flying but it was the wet kind…rather nasty weather. Nevertheless, they have ski lift tickets so they will be going tomorrow as well. Let’s hope that they have better weather.

Dinner tonight was “Local Pizza”, a local pizza chain. We do have two Dominos, and a Pizza Hut, but no Papa Johns. Most of the pizzerias are local small “mom & pop” based joints. Along with dinner tonight was salad. Katie liked the salad but Bobby did not. You can see Katie enjoying her meal in the photo to the right.

There was a 5.4 magnitude earthquake in BC this afternoon. It was centered on the mainland, but some people on Vancouver Island felt it. Having earthquakes, and the threat of a tsunami, is one of the reasons I purchased the house we did…it has one of the highest elevations in the Courtenay area.

Katie worked on the script for her new YouTube channel today.