Day #417 (Thu., Feb. 24, 2011) – Babysitter Shopping Again
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As I was driving home from work this evening my wife called me on my cell phone. She said that she had some sad news. Our babysitter was offered more hours at her part-time job and she took it. Although we are sad to see her go, we realize that this is a good opportunity for her. It is in the field she is studying in College, and will be a good stepping stone for her career. We wish her only the best and thank her for all her help in taking care of Katie.

So, we are back into the babysitter hunt. My wife has a couple of potential contacts, so this is our first option. She had me edit the email that we subsequently sent out to one of these ladies. There seem to be quite a few babysitters out there these days. I guess the recession is taking its toll in this area as well.
The photo to the right shows another recent addition to Katie’s growing collection of books. This one is a bit different in that it has “googley eyes”, as you can clearly see in the photo. As you turn each page, it will highlight a different type of animal with these same “googley eyes”. Katie is always pointing out the eyes on people that she meets, maybe this will help to satisfy her fixation about eyes…
We had an HOA meeting this evening and the property manager has a 4 month old daughter. Seems like just yesterday when Katie was 4 months old.
1) We are back into the market for a babysitter for Katie.