Day #423 (Wed., Mar. 2, 2011) – Ačiū
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Katie slept for 9 hours last night! She did wake up at 3am and my wife went to check on her. She was asleep but her legs were through the railing and she was on her back. Another relaxing position no doubt… She started to cry again and my wife went to check on her a second time. This time she was in dreamland…batting at the sky…

Our babysitter was off sick on Monday and Tuesday, but she was here today for her first day of work.
Katie loves to roam around the kitchen. It can be a real challenge to cook and clean and do almost anything as she will roam on in… It’s good that I put some latches on the lower cabinets a while back (see photo to the left). I still have to put some more on, but at least she won’t be able to get into the real dangerous areas like the area under the sink.
As it is her first day at work my wife showed her around the neighborhood. Katie really wanted to walk today. The babysitter was holding her hands of course, but it is just one more sign that she will be walking by herself soon.
I gave Katie a cookie this evening and said “Can you say thank you”? She replied “Ačiū”…which is Lithuanian for “thank-you”. It’s incredible how much she understands.
This evening my wife said that she thinks Katie can say mum. Katie started saying “mum mum mum mum mum mum…”.
1) Katie said mum today.