Day #427 (Sun., Mar. 6, 2011) – Drinking From Daddy’s Cup

I bought a pineapple the last time I was at Trader Joe’s. We cut it up this morning and gave Katie a piece. It’s kind of slippery so she was not quite sure what to do with it. My wife put her in the high chair and cut it up into smaller pieces…she liked that.

2011-03-06 - Gate To The Kitchen
My wife tells me that Katie is starting to stack wooden blocks in her hands now. I guess she is seeing me stacking blocks one on top of the other and trying to do the same in her hands. Alas, I don’t usually manage to get more than 3 blocks stacked before Katie will knock them down…

I took the gate off the hallway and put it on the entrance to the kitchen this afternoon (see photo to the left). We can no longer contain Katie to the hallway (it did serve its purpose for a while), and we now need to keep her out of the kitchen when we are cooking.

I put a baby latch on the last remaining lower cabinet drawer in the kitchen. We will eventually need to put latches on all the drawers as well, but I will have a bit of time to get them in place.

Katie is very happy and talkative today. I had a combination of apple juice/water in my cup and put my finger into it so she could suck the juice off. I put it close to her so that she could take a drink, and our little mimic put her hand into it. I had to train her to sip from the cup by sipping from it myself, and soon she was following me around the house for a drink. I don’t know how easy it will be to get her to drink from the sippy cup now…

I changed Katie this evening in what proved to be a very effective technique. I would turn on Lawrence Welk and put a pillow under Katie’s head. She would stare at the screen…oblivious to the fact that she was being changed.

1) Katie sipped from daddy’s cup today.