Day #434 (Sun., Mar. 13, 2011) – “Master Of The House”
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Katie was up early this morning. My wife brought her into the bedroom to see me. We ended up watching “Oswald”…a cartoon about a blue octopus (he has a dog that is shaped like a hot dog). He was building a birdhouse in this episode.
I took Katie for another walk around the lake this morning. No turtles this time, but we did see a couple of dogs.
Katie loves a good avocado dinner (as you can see in the photo to the right). Oh, and she does manage to get some food in her mouth from time-to-time.
Katie wanted to watch some television this morning, so she started to scream out. I thought that I might be able to fool her by putting a bit of the news on, but she was having nothing of it. We ended up watching the 25th Anniversary version of Les Miserables (that we recorded via TiVo last night). She especially liked their rendition of “Master of the House“. How do I know? She stopped screaming and batted my wife’s hand away when she tried to feed her.
Katie has started throwing balls down the stairs. I opened up the gate and she crawled backwards down to get them, then brought them back up again…
Katie was not really interested in baby food much any more. She wants “grown up food” now. One way to try and coax her is to use it as a dipping sauce for her cheerios.
1) Katie loves the “Master Of The House” from Les Miserables.