Day #446 (Fri., Mar. 25, 2011) – Last Day Of Crawling?

It’s 4:30am and Katie was screaming “ta” so she must have heard me up. My wife is feeding her some yogurt, so hopefully she will be fed and tired and back to bed soon…

2011-03-25 - Watching Oobi
2011-03-25 - Watching Oobi

4:30am and what are we doing til Katie starts to get tired? Watching “Oobie” of course. I’m not sure why it is called Oobi…but Katie sure enjoys it (see photo to the right). It is basically a hand with some “googly eyes” on them. It appears that there are a bunch of “boys” who are friends, and an older one who is kind of their parent I suppose. You can see a photo of Katie enjoying the show in the photo to the right.

Kenny Vance & the Planotones were singing “Looking For An Echo” (this guy has one incredible voice by the way) on the PBS special this evening and Katie was playing. As soon as they went into harmony Katie stood up and went towards the television. She did this a couple of times. I wonder just how musical Katie will be when she grows up.

I made a blueberry smoothie this evening and Katie enjoyed having some our of our glasses.  We have never seen her go for food like this before.  It is either:  1)  She likes blueberries, 2)  She likes that it is cold, or 3)  She likes to eat out of the same dish as big people.

Katie has thrown her bowl of cheerios on the floor and is in the process of moving everything she can off the couch and table onto the floor.  Her sense of style is “Early Modern Disaster”.

Katie hardly crawled at all today. Is it possible that her crawling days are behind us?

1) Katie loves blueberry smoothies.