Day #456 (Mon., Apr. 4, 2011) – 31.25″ and 24 lbs
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My wife took Katie to the doctor today to get her “shots”. Today her weight was measured on a big-girl scale – she had to stand like an adult…I’ll bet she liked that. Her growth is steady and development is great. Her height is 31.25″ and weight is 24 lbs.
The doctor was a bit surprised how friendly Katie was – much better than other kids on 15 month appointment… Katie started to cry when she left the room.
They didn’t take money for the visit. This time they decided again that we don’t need to pay for well visits – after paying for them for a year… I remember even calling insurance to ask about that. We DO have to pay. SO I’ll just wait for a bill to come…
Katie loves the show “Oobi” so much that my wife ordered her a pair of eyes (see photo to the right).
I crashed this evening and my wife sent me this email after I went to bed…
I put Katie to bed and she was tired and calm. In 5 minutes she suddenly started screaming. I checked on her and her whole leg was in between the crib railings – I have no idea how it could fit there. Anyway – that really upset the Chipmunk. I took her out, tried to feed some yogurt, but she was extremely fussy. I thought I would have to wake you up so that we could go for a drive, but we went back to the nursery and she fell asleep while nursing… Let’s hope Katie will sleep through the night… 🙂
1) Katie weighed in at 31.25″ and 24 lbs today.