Day #460 (Fri., Apr. 8, 2011) – The Katie Deduction
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We got our income tax back from the accountant today. We have $1300 coming back to us. The accountant said that we could write off a lot of the medical expenses associated with Katie, so it sure helped us out financially. Katie has been a nice little deduction for us in 2010.
The photo to the right shows Katie at the playground down the road from our house. Our HOA dues help pay for it…so we might as well get as much use out of it as we can. They have recently installed new equipment and Katie always enjoys going there. We are having a hard time keeping hats on her head. They are generally too big and she is always trying to pull them off her head.
We all went to Moe’s this evening. Katie wanted to walk, so my wife took her by the hand and walked her to the door. We took some food off of our plates and put it on some disposable soft drink lids for Katie.
On the way home I let Katie walk back to the car. You have to keep an eye on her as she is quite quick and could end up on the street before you know it. She stopped to see the flowers in a big vase on the way.
1) We earned quite a nice tax deduction in 2010 because of Katie…