Day #477 (Mon., Apr. 25, 2011) – Katie Says “Cup”
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Katie said “cup” for the first time today. I told my wife that we are going to have to make note of what words she says for the first time as she is saying new things almost every day now.

My wife went to the dentist this afternoon so Katie spent a lot of time with the babysitter. All in all my wife was out for about 3 hours. When she got home Katie was having load of fun out on the patio with the babysitter. They played and read books and had tons of fun.
Katie enjoyed playing in the sandbox down at the clubhouse this afternoon. You can see a photo of the festivities in the photo to the right.
I stopped off at Trader Joe’s this evening on the way home from work. The one in downtown Raleigh is not as nice as the one in Cary. I had to go through the whole bin of avocado to find one that was suitable.
Katie refused to sleep for her second nap today, so she went to bed at 9pm and got up at 8am tomorrow morning.
1) Katie said the word “cup” today.