Day #478 (Tue., Apr. 26, 2011) – Katie Says “Block”
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I slept on a crayon here and there last night. Katie was playing on my bed yesterday and these little pieces of residue were left behind.

Katie said “block” for the first time this evening. She said “hot” for the first time earlier in the day.
My wife got some wooden blocks for Katie in the mail today (see photo to the right). We thought that she would enjoy building with them, but she would rather organize them into the basket we got for her to hold her Easter Eggs.
Too bad the blocks did not come with a little toy box or chest. Katie loves to have them lying all over the floor and they can make quite the mess. They also are hard on the feet when you walk on them. We need a good shoe box…that’s what we need.
My wife also got a little wooden cart with wooden blocks in it…but the blocks are rather small so we will probably wait til she is older to give them to her.
1) Katie said “Block” for the first time today.