Day #479 (Wed., Apr. 27, 2011) – Katie Says The “P” Word
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My wife is shopping for some rain boots for Katie. She asked me what color is best. Probably yellow as that is the color of Katie’s raincoat.

Katie was sitting next to my wife this afternoon reading a book, but my wife had a suspicion that she was doing something else. Suddenly she clearly said “poop” and when my wife checked she was right. She knew what she had done…
The photo to the right shows the wooden blocks and cart that I mentioned in yesterday’s blog. The toy says 3+, so it is a toy that Katie will have to grow into. The blocks are a bit smaller than those I used to play with as a boy, but the letters are ingrained in the actual blocks just the same.
Katie said “buck” today.
1) Katie said poop today.