Day #480 (Thu., Apr. 28, 2011) – Washable Markers
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I had to go to an HOA Meeting this evening so I didn’t get the chance to play with Katie very much. The good thing is that
the patio screening for our deck area was basically approved. They do want to have some photos of comparable decks that the builder has made, so I will get that for them.

When I got home from the meeting Katie was running around with the cardboard box that I drew on last night. She obviously wanted daddy to do some more drawing. We could not find the crayons (perhaps Katie ate them all), so we got out the washable markers. Once I took the top off Katie put it into her mouth, so she had this blue stain on the side of her lip. Daddy wanted to help out so he drew some red whiskers on her… 🙂
We gave Katie a bath this evening and I took the washable bathtub markers along. The result is in the photo to the left. See the scribbles through the drawings? That was Katie’s contribution.
Katie loves socks. She managed to find a hole in daddy’s sock, so daddy drew a happy face on his heel that was pouring through. Why not go a bit further. Daddy took off his sock and proceeded to draw a happy face on his big toe. Katie didn’t know what was going on, but she sure had fun.
1) Katie got into the washable markers this evening.